Wholesale Account Signup

Thank you for your interest in Molly & Me Pecans!

Great news! You can now place Molly & Me Pecans wholesale orders directly online!

If you are an existing customer with a user login already created, please...

  1. Send an email to wholesale@mollyandmepecans.com with "Wholesale Account Request" in the subject line.
  2. We will convert your existing account into a wholesale account so that you can place your wholesale orders directly online via our standard login page here.
  3. We may reply with additional questions for business verification purposes.  Once we approve your account, it will be converted for wholesale pricing typically within 24-48 hours.

For New Wholesale Accounts, simply...

  1. Create a new standard user account here.
  2. Send an email to wholesale@mollyandmepecans.com with "Wholesale Account Request" in the Subject Line, and in the body of the email, provide your business details such as your business name, contact information, location, and website.
  3. We may reply with additional questions for business verification purposes. Once we approve your account, your account will be converted for wholesale pricing typically within 24-48 hours.

Thank you! We look forward to meeting you!